Deep Voices
Roger Payne
Released 1995
Run Time: 43 minutes 17 seconds
Produced by: Roger Payne
©℗1995 Earth Music Productions, LLC
The original sequel to Songs of the Humpback Whale, Deep Voices documents the vast array of intriguingly complex and often mysterious sounds of Humpback, Blue, and Right Whales, offering an experience, now rare, of how the seas and shores of the world, used to sound.
“There are over 5 billion of us humans on the planet. We have a choice: either to be the greatest heroes in the history of life on earth – remembered for longer than any other generation before for having made the effort and roused ourselves in time to heal the world around us, or we can be the greatest villains in the history of life on earth – remembered for longer than any other generation before for having sat on our hands and done nothing while the consequences of both our action and our inaction destroyed the natural world. This recording is offered in hopes that when you hear the whales you will take up the cause of life on earth. ”
– Roger Payne
Blue Whales | voice
Right Whales | voice
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