Music for the Earth

Paul Winter’s Solstice Saga video retrospective of the first forty years of the Winter Solstice Celebrations has been produced under the aegis of the non-profit Music for the Earth. This has made it possible for us to offer the film free on Youtube.

Music for the Earth will be the production context for much of Paul Winter’s future work, including his epic project Flyways, a celebration of the great bird migration from southern Africa up the Rift Valley through the Middle East to Eurasia, and back. 

Statement of Purpose

Music for the Earth is a 501(c)(3) non-profit foundation dedicated to exploring ways that music can awaken our innate sense of relationship with the natural world, and inspire involvement in the preservation of biodiversity and the natural environments of the Earth. 

Board of Directors

Mary Davidson, Sarah Laird, William Ryerson, James Sinclair

Sounding Board

Marshal Case, Judy Collins, Dr. Michael Fox, Jane Goodall, Al Huang,
Dr. Yossi Leshem, Scott McVay, Dr. Roger Payne, Dr. Carl Safina, Therese Schroeder-Sheker,
Noel Paul Stookey, 
Dr. Andrew Tracey, Mary Evelyn Tucker

In Memoriam:
Dave Brubeck, Sir George Martin, Pete Seeger,
The Very Rev. James Parks Morton, David Darling

Music Director
Paul Winter

Music for the Earth’s activities include:

      • Concerts and albums to benefit environmental causes.
      • Wilderness recording expeditions.
      • Music-making workshops and residencies.
      • Environmental and cultural education programs for young people.
      • Media outreach toward raising public awareness about environmental and social justice issues and groups.

“The future of music may not lie entirely with music itself,
but rather in the way it makes itself a part with –
in the way it encourages and extends rather than limits,
the aspirations of ideals of the people –
the finer things that humanity does and dreams of.”
-Charles Ives

You can make a tax-deductible donation to Music for the Earth here, or via button below.

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