Concert For The Earth
Paul Winter Consort
Released 1985
Run Time: 46 minutes 55 seconds
Produced by: Paul Winter, Chris Brown, Eugene Friesen
©℗1985 Earth Music Productions, LLC
Concert for the Earth was recorded live at the General Assembly of the United Nations on World Environment Day, June 5th, 1984. This album features a “reunion Consort” of twelve including Susan Osborn and Jim Scott, with the 80-voice Back Bay Choral. During “Wolf Eyes,” 2,000 people joined in what was the UN’s first howl-along chorus.
“I feel a close kinship with the United Nations. We are about the same age, and our goals have much in common. Playing in the General Assembly was a milestone of my musical journey, one that began in the early ‘60s when my college jazz sextet made a long tour through 23 countries in Latin America. That experience showed me the path for my life work and gave birth to my commitment to cultural exchange. It led to the founding of the Consort, a new kind of ensemble, blending instruments and traditions from many cultures. I dedicate this “concert for the earth” to John Monti, my musical teacher in my hometown of Altoona, Pennsylvania, who taught me, by his own life example, about the oneness of all peoples.”
– Paul Winter
The United Nations Environment Program was established after 113 nations met in Stockholm to launch a massive global effort to develop broad international strategies for protecting the world’s environment. The UNEP monitors global environmental trends and encourages sound environmental practices. Learn more about the UNEP: https://www.unenvironment.org/
Paul Winter | soprano sax
Paul Halley | piano
John Clark | English horn
Eugene Friesen | cello
Jim Scott | guitar and voice
Oscar Castro-Neves | guitar
Susan Osborn | voice
Russ Landau | bass
Ted Moore | percussion
Glen Velez | percussion
Kimati Dinizulu | percussion
Guilherme Franco | percussion
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